00420 777 232 610 school@fengshui-school.eu

Very unusual Feng Shui school, where
you can find more than
Feng Shui


Basic Certificate of Traditional Feng Shui Consultant

Level 1

1. The secret of colours 1 – basic colours

(The color is a very powerful tool, which goes deeply to our psychic and finds there the patterns and feelings that we have not solved yet. It helps us to unblock it and solve it. The colour is the key to our unconsciousness and also to the conscious way of life. The colour is the answer for the question why this happened to me? )

2. The secret of colours 1 – advanced colours 

(We will continue to explore the colours. We will tune up on each colour and experience it, except the deepen theoretical study coming up from the Goethe’s study about the colours having connection to Rudolf Steiner work – the founder of Anthroposophic Medicine and the Waldorf Education System.)

3. Colours and Feng Shui – The strength of chakras

(We will study how to place the Aura-Soma bottles to the different sectors of the BAGUA, the basic method of Feng Shui. Accept that we will study chakras, the energetic centres according to Indian Medicine that control the whole body and the space around it. The chakras are transformers of energy qi in the body, are connected to different organs. Disharmonies on the chakras are manifested as illnesses, difficult personal relationships or serious life problems. Seminar is also for the people who have some knowledge about the chakras because new fresh information will be given and practical cleaning of chakras will be held.)

4. Traditional Feng Shui versus New Age Feng Shui

(We will enter the basis of Traditional Feng Shui. We will compare it to New Age Feng Shui. We will talk about different kind of Feng Shui schools. We will talk about the history and main concepts as: TAO, YIN and YANG, TIAN-REN-DI, WU XING, BAGUA, MING GUA, positive and negative sectors, facing and sitting of the house, etc.)

5. Exterior forms in the Traditional Feng Shui

(According to Traditional Feng Shui the most precise analysis of the house starts from exterior forms, not from the interior! It is important projection of exterior on the interior. It means we can ask ourselves how the big mountain behind my house influences my house? What kind of WU-XING is the mountain? Is it wooden or fire mountain? What does it activate in my house? Or what does the road running in front my house influence? How does it project into it? What does it activates?)

6. Interior in the Traditional Feng Shui (BaZhai Method)

(After right analyses of exterior, we will go to the interior. We will study the method BaZhai that will help us to identify the positive and the negative sectors in the house. We will study 3 main places in the house: the entrance, the kitchen and the bedroom. We will talk about the right orientation and location of the main elements.)

7. Interior in the Traditional Feng Shui (Flying star Method)

(We will talk: why Flying star Method? How is Feng Shui connected to stars, to the Big Dipper and how does it projects to our houses? We will answer the question why certain houses are prosperous in certain periods and then after certain time they are not. We will talk about it when is the right time to move from certain house.) 

8. Feng Shui and the Garden

(We will talk: why Flying star Method? How is Feng Shui connected to stars, to the Big Dipper and how does it projects to our houses? We will answer the question why certain houses are prosperous in certain periods and then after certain time they are not. We will talk about it when is the right time to move from certain house.) 

9. Practical seminar

Projects of students and final testing plus colour and sound healing Qi Gong – The secret of youth, health and vitality of ancient Chinese.